By J E Solomon
Elementary school in my days
Was more of a menace for 
The intellectually less gifted
Those that weren’t born smart
And therefore lacked the mental sharpness
Exhibited by other kids their ages.

School in those days
Was quite unlike these days
It had no sympathy for the dull-minded
Classes would begin as usual
With the teacher’s cane ready on his table
Homework would be inspected and marked
There would be spelling tests in adddition
All for which mistakes were punishable
One lash or whip for every mistake.

School in those days
Was both a pain and a drag
For those who had to repeat a class
Due to substandard test performances
Not because they were retarded
But they simply lacked the mental keenness
That other pupils easily demonstrated
Yet, as a rule, they were left behind
We didn’t have today’s policy of
“No child left behind”.

School in those days
Was also an avenue for rebelion
By the inately stubborn and
Outrageously naughty kids
Who had a natural disposition
To do something mischievous always
Kids who had no fear for the cane
And seemed to enjoy being whipped
They would smile even as they took
Several lashes on their backs without a wink.

Today, I look back to those days
With a feeling of contempt
For a system that was very hostile
To children with very low IQs
That was not of their making
Those that weren’t born smart,
As well as the habitually naughty kids
Who daily had to endure the pangs of pain
Pain received either in the palms of the hand
Or on the back, usually on their butt.

Copyright © 2009: John E Solomon All rights reserved

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