Catherine Kieu Becker of California, US has sliced off the penis of her estranged husband and dumped it in a garbage disposal, according to a Reuters report filed on July 12, 2011. And she told police he had “deserved it.”

Becker, 48, drugged her 51-year-old husband’s food to make him sleepy before slicing off his penis with a knife. Her husband underwent emergency surgery and was listed in serious condition.

Penis slashing is said to be widespread among Thai women in southeast Asia seeking revenge against their unfaithful partners.

People do strange things, especially when pushed beyond the limits of their tolerance.  Often times the action is spontaneous.  Becker’s crime was different.  First, she procured the substance, with which she drugged her husband to sleep.  She took time to restrain him, grabbed a kitchen knife and cut off his penis, then dumped the penis in a garbage disposal, and finally turned the unit on. 

In June 1993, 24-year-old Lorena Bobbitt of Virginia also did a similar thing.  She cut off her sleeping husband’s penis with a carving knife, drove off somewhere and threw the severed penis on the side of the road.  It was found hours later and surgeons successfully reattached it.

Under intense anger, anyone can act insanely.  And abused women seeking vengeance are more inclined to be vicious.  If you’re in a checkered relationship of any kind and you have reasons to feel unsafe, the best thing to do is to call it quits. 

Well, for those men who think quitting a shaky marriage isn’t an option and would like to hang on, perhaps they may consider to arm themselves with a penis locker, the kind shown below. This device may not be convenient to wear, but, at least, even if a man is drugged into deep sleep by his vengeance-seeking wife, he’ll wake up and still have his penis safe.  A vengeful wife might choose to stab her man to death, but then the man won’t have to leave this world without his dick.  Suppose there’s truly reincarnation, he’ll be lucky to come back in his next life time with a penis.

It may sound funny, but I think insurance companies should offer a special insurance coverage for the penis.  It should be like the accidental death and dismemberment policy.  Victims of slashed penis can use the coverage to undergo plastic surgery.  And men with erectile dysfunction problems should also be eligible to protect their penis.  When a vengeful wife decides to harm her man, she would only harm him where it will hurt the most.  And the penis, more than a finger, or even an eye, is the part of his body that will likely hurt him the most.  The penis is not used for sex only; it’s used more than three or four times a day for the body’s liquid waste disposal.  Besides, it’s a man’s pride, active or inactive, potent or impotent.

Some women are crossing the line of sanity in their resentment toward their men.  Women should know that the majority of men never grow up.  What they need is sympathy, not this kind of pay back.  May Heaven help and protect all men and women in heterosexual relationships.


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